We have taken the utmost care of the design, content and product information on our website. Occasionally we refer to other websites for additional product information or to websites of third parties. We select these websites with care and, trust that the information on them is accurate and up to date.
If you nonetheless find anything that is not correct or out of date, we would appreciate your feedback. Let us know via the contact form.
Mani Bhadra B.V. - Phoenix Import uses a chatbot that provides information based on the most up-to-date data from our FAQ and customer service, it may nonetheless contain some errors. Therefore, always check important information or contact our customer service for specific questions. The chatbot does not offer binding advice, and we decline all liability for any errors or omissions in the information provided.
Is something not working well on our website?
If so, there may be a technical problem or malfunction. In this case, please also contact us via the contact form. We will then search for the cause and find a solution.
We apologize in advance for any possible inconvenience, and are most grateful for any feedback.
Thank You.