All product photos, videos and texts on Phoenix Import websites are the property of Phoenix Import and / or of the manufacturer of the products supplied to us, in which case we are allowed to use images and texts.
Phoenix Import owns all intellectual property rights (including copyrights) that rest on the image materials and product texts made by us.
If you use any images or text material belonging to our company or to one of our manufacturers, you do this at your own risk. Phoenix Import can in no way be held liable for such use.
We exclusively grant our customers the right to use images and product texts and features of the items purchased from Phoenix Import. All other content is reserved to Phoenix Import and may only be used after you have adapted them to your own needs.
Parties that are not customers of Phoenix Import are not allowed to use any product photos, videos and texts on Phoenix Import websites. Use of our images and / or content for identical and / or similar products purchased from a party other than Phoenix Import, infringes our intellectual property rights. Such use should be discontinued and removed.
For any form of publicity, images and content may only be used for the sale of products purchased from us within a reasonable period from the time of purchase.
You are personally responsible for keeping the information associated with products offered in your (web) store up to date.
Also keep in mind that Google scans web pages for copied texts and will see these websites as less important in their ranking.
To save an image in .jpg, change the file name extension from .webp to .jpg by right-clicking on the image and then clicking 'save as'.