Wholesale salt lamps
Crystal salt lamps and gemstone lamps give a special atmosphere to the living environment. The subtle vibration of a crystal lamp or salt lamp creates a pleasant atmosphere. The warmly diffused light provides harmonious stillness. As an online B2B wholesaler, we sell a wide range of salt lamps and gemstone lights.
Buy salt lamps
Do you want to buy a real Himalayan salt lamp? With us you will succeed both for a large salt lamp and a small salt lamp, such as our Mini Mood LED salt lamps and night lights. We also have a wide range of crystal salt candle holders for the burning of tealights. Read all about the origin and benefits of crystal salt lamps below.
Himalayan salt lamps
Real salt lamps are made from salt crystals from the Himalayan regions, often from Pakistan. Talented craftsmen carefully select, edit and model the unique salt stones used for Himalayan salt lamps.
The salt crystal is a natural product and therefore its colour may vary from very light pink to dark pink and even orange. But also, white salt lamps and grey salt lamps exist, made from 100% natural salt crystals.
Effects of Salt lamps
When a salt lamp is in use, the heat from the incandescent lamp inside causes it to disperse ions that are negatively charged. Those negative ions can then provide cleaner air. How does such a salt lamp actually do that? This is how it works: the air around us consists of many particles, including particles such as pollen and dust particles that we can hardly see with the naked eye. Air pollutants are common in our living environment, and their ions are positively charged. The effect of the salt lamp is to neutralise those positive ions, by emitting negative ions. When that happens, the neutralised particles become heavier and fall down, so they no longer float in the air. And thus, the air in that room is cleaner. You can breathe more freely, and it can also have a positive effect on people with a house dust or pollen allergy.
Advantages of Salt lamps
Electrical appliances in the home also create the so-called electro smog, which can negatively affect both our ability to concentrate and even our respiration. Ironically, there are many air ionizers that are intended to purify the air, but which themselves produce their own pollution. With a natural salt lamp, electro smog is significantly reduced; these salt lamps ensure that the electro smog of other devices, such as a computer, laptop or television, is also eliminated. Perfect for creating better Feng Shui in your working or sleeping environment. Also, very suitable for a children's bedroom.
Crystal lamps with precious stones
In addition to salt lamps, we also sell Gemstone lamps. These gemstone lights provide beautiful atmospheric light and spread the positive energy of the semi-precious stones throughout the room. They contain a combination of Crystal salt and gems, like Amethyst, Rock Crystal (Clear Quartz) or Rose Quartz.
Selenite lamps
You have also come to the right place if you wish to buy a selenite lamp or selenite tea light holder. Selenite are translucent gypsum crystals that are formed by oxidation, among other things. Selenite is quite a soft material, so it can be processed well into a lamp or atmospheric light. The translucent white colour emits a beautiful glow, as beautiful as the glow of the moon. That is why it is called selenite, named after the Greek Goddess Selene, the Goddess of the Moon.
Mani Bhadra BV - Phoenix Import - Salt lamps wholesale, online B2B sales throughout all of Europe!